Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If i were to carve my own totem pole, the things i would carve would be:

A Monkey- When you think of a monkey you think of a fun loving creature that is always having fun and making ppl laugh. This animal is full of adventure and spontaneity, so i think this animal best describes my fun loving attitude.

A Butterfly- A butterfly is a sign of beauty and socialism. Being social is a big part of my life. I love spending time with my friends and making new ones is always a good thing too. " Social butterfly" It also represents metamorphasis, a big change, and i've had a big change in my life. i lived in Banff Canada for about 8 years and moved here to Lloyd. It's not easy goin to a new school and trying to fit in and make new friends, but it's like starting as a tiny little catterpiller and changing into a beautiful butterfly.

A Bear- Bear's are easygoing, compassionate and laid back. Never really organized and can very powerfull or a good friend when needed. This pretty much describes me. I'm always ready to give a good laugh, but i can also be very serious and ppl would know it.

A Citrine Stone- This stone pretects you from all negativity and brings you warmth and healing from the sun. Highly valued for it's healing abilities to illuminate hidden illness and heal the body, it is often worn around the neck as a necklace. Seeing this carved on a totem would remind me of all the good in the world and make me smile.

A Zebra- Having a zebra on a totem pole would show individuality. This animal sticks out in a crowd, if not with other zebra's, and isnt afraid to be itself. Zebra's are also very agile and loves being in groups. I like to think that i'm not like anybody else and i'm my own individual self.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Last Chance

I think Cole deserves another chance to change. He has finally realized that this is his last chance to change and he better not blow it. He knows that he doesn't have to prove himself to anybody, but should always tell the truth to gain ppl's trust. Cole has begun to care for ppl and other things around him and doesn't blame him for all his problems anymore because he knows no one's to blame but himself. You can tell that he's already changed a little from being stranded on the island and being mauled by the spirit bear, but he hasn't totally changed. So i believe that going back to the island will help him to change and help him control his anger.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Villain or Victim

Cole grew up being beat by his father and had no respect for anybody or anything. As Cole takes his anger out on everybody around him, he drains his power and will to live. I believe that the situation is Cole's fault, but partially his parents because he grew up knowing only pain and abuse. Cole has put himself in this situation because he could not control his anger and let it all out by beating and seriously injuring Peter Driscol. Cole is the villain.

Committing crimes and telling lies is all a regular part of life for Cole. Beating Peter until he could barely move and than continuing as ppl try to pry him away, tells us that he has a serious problem managing his anger. Another example would be when Garvey brings in all those ingredients for a cake he made and tells Cole to try everything by itself. He is so frustrated and ungrateful for his demonstration that he throws everything to the floor and trash's his whole cell. As he lays there broken and bleeding, all he does is think about someone to blame about the situation he's in. The truth is, the only person to blame is himself.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Touching Spirit Bear Assembly

Yesterday, Mr. Krahn read a couple paragraphs from a book called Touching Spirit Bear. With great enthusiasm, he read about how a boy was so hungry he started eating worms and bugs and eventually came across a mouse. The description of how he gnawed away the mouses flesh was repulsive and made me gag. I'm both excited and scared to start this school wide book report.